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公猫 (Tomcat)

6.5 推荐

分类: 电影 奥地利 2016

主演: 卢卡斯·图尔图  菲利普·霍奇迈尔  托尼  塞巴斯蒂安·洛斯伯格  科尼利厄斯·迈斯特 

导演: 汉德·克劳斯 

IMDB: Tomcat


《公猫》剧情简介:安德烈和史蒂芬是一对人人称羡的同志情侣,同为交响乐队成员的他们于公于私都形影不离,爱猫摩西则是家中第三位成员,突如其来的暴力举动却令完美人生瞬间瓦解,他们也因随之而来的猜忌和疏离渐行渐远,史蒂芬企图挽回安德烈冷漠以对的心,两个霎时被掏空的灵魂,要如何找回坚持下去的决心? 演而优则导的克劳斯韩铎第二部编导长片,以奥地利电影向来见长的冷静犀利,表现角色暗潮汹涌的心理状态,意想不到的情节转折,以及深具象徵意味的安排,自始至终凝聚高度张力,深刻描绘爱情令人完整又捉摸不定的本质,一个人为爱牺牲的极限为何?救赎能否换来原谅?爱能令人欣喜若狂,也能叫人痛彻心扉,如同一隻猫时而与人亲近,时而不见踪影。

Andreas and Stefan lead a happy and passionate life: Together with their beloved tomcat Moses, they live in a beautiful old house in Vienna's vineyards. They work as a musician and as a scheduler in the same orchestra and they love their large circle of friends. An unexpected and inexplicable outburst of violence suddenly shakes up the relationship and calls everything into question - the blind spot that resides in all of us. —Film Institut


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