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女医明妃传 (The Imperial Doctress)

6.3 推荐

分类: 陆剧 中国大陆 2016

主演: 刘诗诗  霍建华  黄轩  李呈媛  袁文康 

导演: 李国立  郑伟文  卢泽良 

IMDB: The Imperial Doctress


《女医明妃传》剧情简介:历史车轮滚滚,碾过无数人的生命,终于进入了朱明王朝。然而酱缸般礼教并未随着历史的前进而走向文明,反而更加严苛地禁锢着人性的自由。尤其是女性,她们不仅身体受到束缚,连灵魂也被深深压抑着。美丽少女谭允贤(刘诗诗 饰)祖上世代从医侍奉皇上,但因奸人陷害而遭遇灭顶之灾。历经苦难 ,谭家传下“永不从医”的家训。但允贤天资聪颖,而且热爱医学,在奶奶的默许下,她得以专心研习医术。在此期间,她偶然邂逅纨绔公子哥元宝,殊不知此人正是当今皇上明英宗朱祁镇(霍建华 饰)。几经周转,允贤进入皇宫内院,由此也踏上一条充满凶险和挑战的从医之路。回首望去,已无归途,这位传奇女医注定要在历史上书写浓重的一笔…… 本片取材自真实的历史人物创作。

Set in the Ming Dynasty under the rule of Emperor Zhu Qi Zhen, Tan Yun Xian comes from a long line of medicine practitioners, her family having served as court physicians for several generations. However, the practice for female physicians came to a halt when many were framed for abusing the form. Yet, Yun Xian is determined to learn medicine and so she does in secrecy, except things become difficult when her paths cross with the Emperor himself.


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