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9号秘事 第三季 (The Devil of Christmas)

9.3 推荐

分类: 英美剧 英国 2016

主演: 史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿  里斯·谢尔史密斯  费奥纳·肖  杰森·沃特金斯  凯莉·霍威 

导演: 吉列尔莫·莫拉莱斯  格雷姆·哈珀 

IMDB: The Devil of Christmas


《9号秘事 第三季》剧情简介:《9号秘事》这部以反转著称的英剧是《疯城记》主创史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿与瑞斯·希尔史密斯的最新作品,自开播之后广受剧迷追捧。在接受英媒采访时,佩姆伯顿透露第三季是“特别黑暗的一季,其中有两三集我们将恐怖惊悚元素推向了新高度。”这一季依然会由六个独立故事组成,故事发生的位置总与9号有关,一座1978年的阿尔卑斯山小木屋、一家关门之后的餐馆、一间艺术馆和一个KTV包房成为第三季上演好戏的舞台。

A film director screens a drama he made in 1977 in which actors play Julian Devonshire, his little son Toby, pregnant second wife Kathy and his mother Celia who are spending Christmas at a ski lodge in Austria. Local guide Klaus tells them the legend of the Krampus, a malevolent demon who punishes bad children and rewards the good and soon it looks as if the demon is stalking the family. Celia takes Toby to safety, leading Kathy to make a confession to Julian about her pregnancy. Something terrible follows.


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