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生吃 (Raw)

7.1 推荐

分类: 电影 法国 / 意大利 / 比利时 2016

主演: 加朗斯·马里利埃  艾拉·朗夫  拉巴·纳伊·乌费拉  洛朗·吕卡  乔安娜·普莱斯 

导演: 朱利亚·迪库诺 



《生吃》剧情简介:贾斯汀(加朗斯·莫里利尔 Garance Marillier 饰)生长在一个素食主义家庭之中,严格遵守着饮食上的戒律,从未尝过荤腥。贾斯汀进入了一间兽医学校就读,作为校园里的“菜鸟”,她受到了来自老生们的无情的压榨和排挤,森严的等级制度让贾斯汀倍感压抑,而她和亦在这里就读的姐姐埃里克西亚(艾拉·朗夫Ella Rumpf 饰)之间的关系也十分紧张。 没有了父母的管制,贾斯汀决定尝一尝肉的滋味,然而随着时间的推移,她渐渐发现熟肉已经无法再满足她,她的内心里滋生出了对生肉和鲜血的渴望。这日益强烈的渴望折磨着贾斯汀,而埃里克西亚对于妹妹的异样竟然毫无意外。一场意外中,埃里克西亚的手指被剪刀剪下,面对着眼前的断指,贾斯汀再也无法压抑内心的欲望。

Raised as a rigorous vegetarian, doe-eyed freshman Justine is sent off to the reputable Saint-Exupéry Veterinary School where the black sheep of the family, her big sister, Alexia is already studying. As she leaves the family home, Justine abruptly moves into a mad new world of strange school traditions and vicious initiation tests and before long, she will have to chew over her unshakable herbivorous beliefs. More and more as Justine descends deeper and deeper into a hidden world of uncharted animalistic tendencies, an unprecedented and equally morbid craving for raw meat will transform her into something she would have never expected. Now that Justine's corporeal awakening is finally complete, is there any point in denying her hunger for raw flesh?! —Nick Riganas


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