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书店 (The Bookshop)

7.9 推荐

分类: 电影 英国 / 西班牙 / 德国 2017

主演: 艾米莉·莫迪默  比尔·奈伊  派翠西娅·克拉克森  亨特·特里梅恩  霍纳·妮芙茜 

导演: 伊莎贝尔·科赛特 

IMDB: The Bookshop


《书店》剧情简介:故事发生在1959年的英格兰。弗洛伦斯(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)在不久之前失去了她的丈夫,但坚强的女人并没有沉湎于悲痛之中,她知道,自己必须坚强的生活下去。弗洛伦斯来到了偏远的海滨小镇哈堡,在这里,她倾尽所有开了一家小小的书店。这是当地唯一的一家书店,在此之前,小镇上的所有人都从来没有接触过文学。 弗洛伦斯的书店给小镇居民们的世界打开了新的大门,整个小镇都因为她的书店的出现而产生了变化,书店的存在更让弗洛伦斯结识了和自己趣味相投的同道中人艾德慕(比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy 饰),与此同时,弗洛伦斯的出挑也招致了别有用心者异样的眼光。

England, 1959. Free-spirited widow Florence Green (Emily Mortimer) risks everything to open a bookshop in a conservative East Anglian coastal town. While bringing about a surprising cultural awakening through works by Ray Bradbury and Vladimir Nabokov, she earns the polite but ruthless opposition of a local grand dame (Patricia Clarkson) and the support and affection of a reclusive book loving widower (Bill Nighy). As Florence's obstacles amass and bear suspicious signs of a local power struggle, she is forced to ask: is there a place for a bookshop in a town that may not want one? Based on Penelope Fitzgerald's acclaimed novel and directed by Isabel Coixet (Learning to Drive), The Bookshop is an elegant yet incisive rendering of personal resolve, tested in the battle for the soul of a community.


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