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孤芳不自赏 (General and I)

3.0 推荐

分类: 陆剧 中国大陆 2017

主演: 钟汉良  杨颖  甘婷婷  孙艺洲  亓航 

导演: 鞠觉亮 

IMDB: General and I


《孤芳不自赏》剧情简介:在一个架空的时代,晋、燕、凉、白兰四国连年征战,狼烟不止。其中晋国国力强盛,而晋国镇北王楚北捷(钟汉良 饰)深谋远虑,骁勇过人,是其他三国极其忌惮的人物。不过正所谓棋逢对手将遇良才,燕国敬安王之子何侠(孙艺洲 饰)在聪慧美丽、智慧勇敢的侍女白娉婷(杨颖 饰)的鼎力相助下,帮助小王爷以八千人顶住楚北捷十万大军的碾压。怎奈燕王忌恨何侠,设下鸿门宴构陷敬安王府。内乱之际,楚北捷踏破敬安王府,何侠仓皇出逃,而落难的白娉婷为楚北捷救下。楚发现,娉婷居然是寻找了多年的救命恩人。乱世之中,二男一女的缭乱的命运被紧紧缠绕在一起…… 本片根据风弄同名帝后小说改编。

Bai Pingting (Angela baby) was a maid in Yan princess's residence. She was brought up unlike ordinary housemaid, but like the lady of the house. Bai Pingting made friends with the son of the princess, young master Hexia. As they grew up, using her intelligence and her great zither skills that's being referred to as (the witch) she often helped Hexia, the young general, fight wars and won especially when he fought Jin's army led by the god of war Chu Beijie (Wallace Chung) defeating 100,000 men with only 8,000 soldiers. Upon meeting Bai Pingting when she was hurt and unconscious, Chu Beijie found his old hair-pin worn by her, a token from his dead mother remembering his and her oath made during their childhood. From then on Chu Beijie always chased after Bai Pingting with marriage in mind which she definitely refused since they were enemies, and also her young master Hexia fell in love with her. Seeing Chu Beijie's restless effort to be with her and his sincerity, even with Bai ...


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