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妈妈咪鸭 (Duck Duck Goose)

7.1 推荐

分类: 动漫 中国大陆 / 美国 2018

主演: 赵路  武皓栋  殷筱瑜  金蝉妃  童自荣 

导演: 赵锐  克里斯托弗·詹金斯 

IMDB: Duck Duck Goose


《妈妈咪鸭》剧情简介:小黄鸭大电影《妈妈咪鸭》讲述了雁群往南方迁徙的途中,“最棒飞行家”大鹏桀骜不驯爱捣乱,和他的女友晶晶调情时不慎撞散了一群赶路的小鸭子。不服管教的大鹏决定单飞,不得已和两只落单的小鸭子淘淘、憇憇组成了“临时父子档”,踏上了一路乌龙的寻亲和南迁之旅。 他们经历了一连串惊险、刺激又有趣的冒险。划过壮美的梯田,爬过冷峻的山脉,遇上好心收留他们的母鸡和妻管严公鸡、搭乘春运卡车的猪群、半瓶子中医技能的松鼠。路途中要时刻抵御想吃掉他们的恶猫,还险些成为“盘中烤鸭”。大鹏与淘淘姐弟两的命运紧紧关联,孤傲的大鹏也逐渐学会了责任与耐心。最后,焕然一新的大鹏得到了女友晶晶的原谅,和两只小鸭子组成了爱意满满的小家庭。

Peng is a freewheeling bachelor goose who'd rather do anything than practice for the upcoming migration. He thinks he's better than everyone else and spends his time attempting crazy stunts at even crazier speeds. In one such stunt, Peng flies too near the ground, hits a flock of ducklings and separates brother and sister, Chao and Chi, from the rest. In this unlikely meeting, Peng will begin a journey that will break his wing and nearly break his heart as he grows to understand the power of unconditional love in the form of two ducklings, who likewise grow to see him as the best father they could ever have.


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