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抱歉打扰 (Sorry to Bother You)

7.0 推荐

分类: 电影 美国 2018

主演: 勒凯斯·斯坦菲尔德  泰莎·汤普森  杰梅因·福勒  欧玛瑞·哈德威克  泰瑞·克鲁斯 

导演: 布茨·赖利 

IMDB: Sorry to Bother You


《抱歉打扰》剧情简介:卡修斯(勒凯斯·斯坦菲尔德 Lakeith Stanfield 饰)是一名落魄但自尊心非常强的青年,他住在叔叔的车库里,从事着毫无前途的电话销售的工作,还拖欠了四个月的房租,前途可谓是一片灰暗。 在同事的点拨之下,卡修斯发现了提升业绩的小妙招,那就是将自己的声音伪装成白人,这让他在公司的境遇稍微好了那么一点。同事们因为种族歧视和寒碜的薪资待遇发起了罢工运动,虽然卡修斯在精神上表示支持同胞们的反抗,但实际上他更在乎的是能否利用这次机会升官发财。最终,卡修斯获得了晋升的机会,将那些反叛的同事们远远甩在身后,但随着职位的升高,他亦触摸到了公司里黑暗的秘密核心。

In an alternate version of Oakland, Cassius Green gets a telemarketing job and finds the commission paid job a dispiriting struggle as a black man selling to predominately white people over the phone. That changes when a veteran advises him to use his "white voice," and the attitude behind it to make himself more appealing to customers. With a bizarrely high-pitched accent, Cassius becomes a success even as his colleagues form a union to improve their miserable jobs. Regardless, Cassius finds himself promoted a "Power Caller" selling the most morally abhorrent but lucrative products and services as his connection to his girlfriend and colleagues fades away. However, Cassius' conscience arises anew as he finds himself in the midst of his boss' bizarre world of condescending bigoted decadence and his sinister plans to create the perfect subservient work force with Cassius' help. —Kenneth Chisholm ([email protected])


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