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比宇宙更遥远的地方 (A Place Further Than the Universe)

9.3 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2018

主演: 水濑祈  花泽香菜  井口裕香  早见沙织  能登麻美子 

导演: 石塚敦子  泽井幸次  长滨亘彦  北川朋哉 

IMDB: A Place Further Than the Universe


《比宇宙更遥远的地方》剧情简介:玉木真理(水濑祈 配音)是就读于多多良西高中二年级的女生,生性活泼开朗的她是一个容易对新鲜事物产生好奇心的女孩,但是本性中的谨慎和胆小又让她对这些事物往往浅尝辄止,无法深入。这一天,真理邂逅了名为小渕泽报濑(花泽香菜 配音)的同学,她的母亲是一名南极观测队队员,因此,从 很小的时候起,真理就对南极这片冰封的土地充满了好奇。 在报濑的影响下,真理开始向往踏上南极的土地。性格开朗在便利店打工的三宅日向(井口裕香 配音)、虽然年龄小但意外的老成的白石结月(早见沙织 配音),在“南极Challenge”的队长藤堂吟(能登麻美子 配音)的带领下,少女们向着梦想开始了进发。

Mari Tamaki is in her second year of high school and wants to start something. It's then that she meets Shirase, a girl with few friends who's considered weirdo by the rest of the class and nicknamed "Arctic" since it's all she ever talks about. Unlike her peers, Mari is moved by Shirase's dedication and decides that even though it's unlikely that high school girls will ever go to Antarctica, she's going to try to go with Shirase.


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