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朝花夕誓 (Maquia)

7.0 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2018

主演: 石见舞菜香  入野自由  樱井优辉  茅野爱衣  梶裕贵 

导演: 冈田麿里  筱原俊哉 

IMDB: Maquia


《朝花夕誓》剧情简介:故事发生在一座名为伊奥鲁夫的城市中,在这里出生的人们拥有无限的寿命,外表却会定格在15岁的模样,玛奇亚(石见舞菜香 配音)就是这样一个土生土长的伊奥鲁夫少女。一天,为了抢夺永生之血,梅萨蒂军乘坐着古代神兽对伊奥鲁夫发动了空袭,造成了惨重的损失,玛奇亚的好友蕾莉亚(茅野爱衣 配音)被掠走了,和蕾莉亚一起失踪的,还有玛奇亚暗恋的少年克里姆(梶裕贵 配音)。 在黑暗的森林里,幸存的玛奇亚捡到了一名男婴,他的双亲在之前的袭击中丧生了。玛奇亚以母亲的身份收养了他,给他取名为艾瑞尔(入野自由 配音)。

In the land of Iolph, all the people stop aging in their mid-teens and can live for hundreds of years. One resident, Maquia, feels lonely despite the peaceful and idyllic land she lives in. But one day, the Mesarte army invades Iolph, seeking the peoples' blood for their immortality. Maquia manages to escape the destruction and chaos of war, but with no home or people, she becomes a wanderer in a dark forest. She comes across Erial, an infant mortal boy who has lost his parents, and becomes his guardian. The story follows the relationship that evolves between the two as Erial grows up while Maquia does not.


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