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进击的巨人剧场版:觉醒的咆哮 (Attack on Titan: The Roar of Awakening)

8.1 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2018

主演: 梶裕贵  石川由依  井上麻里奈  下野纮  小林优 

导演: 荒木哲郎  肥冢正史  田中洋之 

IMDB: Attack on Titan: The Roar of Awakening


《进击的巨人剧场版:觉醒的咆哮》剧情简介:自从超大型巨人出现,人类的和平与幻想被打破的那天开始,艾伦·耶格尔无尽战斗的日子就未曾中断……。 毫无抵抗之力,眼睁睁看着母亲成为巨人的饵食,发誓将巨人一个不剩地从世上驱逐的艾伦。 但,在残酷战斗的途中,他自己也变成了巨人的姿态——。 为了夺回人类的自由而驱使巨人之力的艾伦,在席纳之墙的史托黑斯区与“女巨人”交锋。这场巨人之间的激烈战斗,由艾伦艰难地取得了胜利。 即使如此,艾伦以及人类也没有休息的时间。下一场战斗已经宣告开幕。面对逼近罗塞之墙的大群巨人,人类将如何对敌!?

Eren Yeager and others of the 104th Training Corps have just begun to become full members of the Survey Corps. As they ready themselves to face the Titans once again, their preparations are interrupted by the invasion of Wall Rose-but all is not as it seems as more mysteries are unraveled. As the Survey Corps races to save the wall, they uncover more about the invading Titans and the dark secrets of their own members.


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