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狮子王 (The Lion King)

7.2 推荐

分类: 动漫 美国 2019

主演: 唐纳德·格洛弗  阿尔法·伍达德  詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯  切瓦特·埃加福  科甘-迈克尔·凯 

导演: 乔恩·费儒 

IMDB: The Lion King


《狮子王》剧情简介:广袤无垠的非洲大草原,祥和奋进的荣耀王国迎来了光辉时刻。威严而勇敢的狮子国王木法沙(詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 James Earl Jones 配音)与王后沙拉碧(阿尔法·伍达德 Alfre Woodard 配音),终于迎来了他们的儿子——王国未来的王者辛巴(唐纳德·格洛弗 Donald Glover 配音)——的诞生。在所有的动物都心悦诚服跪拜辛巴王子之际,只有木法沙的弟弟刀疤(切瓦特·埃加福 Chiwetel Ejiofor 配音)妒火中烧。他久久觊觎哥哥的王位,而今更是将辛巴视为眼中钉肉中刺。经过一番策划,刀疤害死了木法沙,并将罪名推给了侄子,进而将王位攫取到自己手中。 荣耀王国从此被黑暗笼罩,而遭到流放的辛巴是否还能回到这个他度过快乐童年的国度呢?

In Africa, the lion cub Simba is the pride and joy of his parents King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi. Mufasa prepares Simba to be the next king of the jungle. However, the naive Simba believes in his envious uncle Scar that wants to kill Mufasa and Simba to become the next king. He lures Simba and his friend Nala to go to a forbidden place and they are attacked by hyenas but they are rescued by Mufasa. Then Scar plots another scheme to kill Mufasa and Simba but the cub escapes alive and leaves the kingdom believing he was responsible for the death of his father. Now Scar becomes the king supported by the evil hyenas while Simba grows in a distant land. Sometime later, Nala meets Simba and tells that the kingdom has become a creepy wasteland. What will Simba do? —Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


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