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4.9 推荐

分类: 陆剧 中国大陆 2020

主演: 任言恺  程小蒙  森竣  潘一祎  刘羽琦 

导演: 陈世峄 

IMDB: tt13105700


《约定期间爱上你》剧情简介:苏简安(程小蒙 饰)自幼便立志要成为一名作家,为了实现这个理想,她一直不懈的努力着。然而有一天,苏简安的家族产业陷入了危机之中,而自己是能够解除危机的唯一一根救命稻草,为了能够继续安心写作,苏简安在半推半就之下和投资人陆薄言(任言恺 饰)签订了婚姻契约,两人又在误打误撞之中住进了同一屋檐下。 实际上,苏简安和陆薄言在很早以前就认识了,年幼时结下的误会深深的影响了如今两人间的关系。陆薄言是个难伺候的男人,生活习惯也十分糟糕,这些苏简安都能忍受,唯一令她感到抓狂的是,这个自大的男人总是要对她的写作指手画脚。

Two former enemies from high school whose lives keep intersecting end up in a contract marriage with each other as adults. Xu Jian'an is an unknown author whose family is in a tough spot. To alleviate her situation, she has no choice but to agree to enter into a contract marriage with Lu Boyan. Lu Boyan has become a guru in the world of investments. The two people who have very different temperaments are also at odds due to a childhood misunderstanding, yet they must know to learn to live together. A sweet cohabitation war under the same roof ensues.


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