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凯蒂·基恩 (Katy Keene)

6.5 推荐

分类: 英美剧 美国 2020

主演: 露西·海尔  伯纳黛特·彼得斯  乔尼·波查普  茱莉亚·泰勒·罗斯  罗比·德拉费勒 


IMDB: Katy Keene


《凯蒂·基恩》剧情简介:《河谷镇 Riverdale》衍生剧《凯蒂. 基恩 Katy Keene》改编自Archie漫画的角色,剧中讲述时尚教主Katy Keene等主角四人组在纽约市追逐他们百老汇﹑T台及录音室里的梦想。主角包括想成为纽约时装设计师的Katy Keene(Lucy Hale饰)﹑追遂音乐梦的Josie McCoy(Ashleigh Murray饰)﹑想打造出自己录音室的社交名媛Pepper Smith(Julie Chan饰)及渴望成为百老汇演员﹑绰号Jorge的Ginger Lopez(Johnny Beauchamp饰)。 P.S:因为《凯蒂. 基恩》已预订,故此Ashleigh Murray将会离开《河谷镇》。另外本剧因为时间线设定在《河谷镇》高中的数年后,故现阶段没有交叉计划。

Katy designs clothes for anyone she can, including her friend and roommate Josie, whose singing talent catches the attention of Alexander Cabot, a CEO who hopes to reboot the record label division of his father's corporate empire. But Alexander's dream of signing Josie to a recording contract meets resistance from Cabot Media's powerful senior vice president Alexandra, who also happens to be his twin sister. Josie and Katy's roommate, Jorge, works at his family's bodega and has his eye on Broadway, but after a series of rejections, he hopes to take his drag performance career as Ginger to the next level. The mysterious Pepper Smith plans to open her own version of Andy Warhol's Factory. She has the connections, but no one seems to know where she got her money or if she really has any at all. As these aspiring artists take on the runway, the recording studio, Broadway and the New York social scene, they find more than just a career in the big city -- they find long-lasting friendship.


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