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房间露营△ (Room Camp)

8.7 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2020

主演: 花守由美里  原纱友里  丰崎爱生  东山奈央  高桥李依 

导演: 神保昌登 

IMDB: Room Camp


《房间露营△》剧情简介:野外社团,启程出发! 野外活动社团,简称野外社团。部员仅有3人。校舍坐落于山梨县一角的本栖高校,位于学校一角的部室大楼,将如同「鳗鱼的床铺」一样狭长的大楼一角当做部室使用,慢悠悠的户外社团。各务原抚子今天也在狭窄的部室里打发时间,此时大垣千明和犬山葵突然宣告「现在就要出门旅行啰!」。带着不知所措的抚子,野外社团成员在全山梨东奔西走。尽情品味各地名物而展开的女高中生奇异之旅,旅途的终点在哪里!?

The Outdoor Activities Club, Aka, the Outclub has 3 members. In the countryside of Yamanashi Prefecture, there's a high school named Motosu High School. Go even further to one of the school buildings and you'll find a very laid-back outdoor club that uses one corner of the classroom as their club room. Kagamihara Nadeshiko finally wants to kill some time in their club room, but then Ohgaki Chiaki and Inuyama Aoi suddenly announce that they're all going on a trip. The girls enjoy the various local treats as they travel around, but where in the world is the end destination for this trip?


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