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天鹅挽歌 (Swan Song)

8.1 推荐

分类: 电影 美国 2021

主演: 马赫沙拉·阿里  娜奥米·哈里斯  格伦·克洛斯  奥卡菲娜  亚当·比奇 

导演: 本杰明·克利里 

IMDB: Swan Song


《天鹅挽歌》剧情简介:《天鹅之歌》以不久的将来为背景,通过卡梅伦的眼睛讲述了一段充满力量和情感的旅程。卡梅伦是一位慈爱的丈夫,被诊断患有绝症,医生向他提出了另一种解决方案,以保护他的家人免受悲痛。当卡梅伦挣扎着是否要改变他的家庭命运时,他学到了比他想象的更多关于生活和爱情的知识。《天鹅之歌》探索了我们将走多远,以及我们愿意牺牲多少,为我们所爱的人创造更幸福的生活。 这部苹果原创电影由两次奥斯卡奖得主马赫萨拉·阿里、奥斯卡奖提名人娜奥米·哈里斯和八次奥斯卡奖提名人格伦·克洛斯主演。该片还包括金球奖得主奥克瓦菲娜和金球奖提名人亚当·比奇。《天鹅之歌》由奥斯卡获奖导演本杰明·克利里执导,亚当·舒尔曼、雅各布·柏林、乔纳森·金、丽贝卡·伯克、马赫萨拉·阿里和米米·瓦尔德斯制作。

Set in the near future, "Swan Song" is a powerful, emotional journey told through the eyes of Cameron (Mahershala Ali), a loving husband and father diagnosed with a terminal illness who is presented with an alternative solution by his doctor (Glenn Close) to shield his family from grief. As Cam grapples with whether or not to alter his family's fate, he learns more about life and love than he ever imagined. "Swan Song" explores how far we will go, and how much we're willing to sacrifice, to make a happier life for the people we love. —42W


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